Sunday, July 21, 2013

Programming in Android - Top Level

Programming in Android:
  1. Eclipse: IDE (Integrated Development Environment). The "editor". 
  2. Eclipse plug-ins: the brains (compilers, linkers...) and the customization of the interface to that particular development environment (for instance, adding debugging view, etc...). Usually Eclipse comes in packages of plug-ins targeting different solutions. See what is on each package. But some times, like on this case, you need to get few more on your own. For Android development, you will need:
    1. As the whole Android development is based on Java, you will need the JDT plug-in. If when you got Eclipse, you got the Java package, then no need...
    2. For Android specific, you will need also the ADT plug-in.
    3. If you want to develop native applications or libraries (in C/C++) you will need CDT plug-in. You may have got it already if you were developing in C/C++ before, with Eclipse...
    4. Finally, also for native development, you will need also the NDK (Native Development Kit) plug-in.
  3. To run java on your PC, you will need the JRE (Java Runtime Environment).
  4. JDK: Java Development Kit (set of Java libraries).
  5. Android SDK: Android Software Development Kit. Set of libraries, but also tools to help in the development, like emulator (AVD, Android Virtual Device), stuff to monitor connected devices (Android Debugging Bridge)...
  6. NDK: Android Native Development Kit. Allows you to compile the C/C++ (native) code and be able to link it into your Android app.
In many cases, you will not need any kind of C development, so, you can ignore the NDK stuff. But for OpenCV you may need it.

PS.: Click here to see the index of these series of posts on OpenCV

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