Saturday, September 28, 2013

Add Google Analytics to Blogger

  1. First you have to create an account on Google Analytics if you don't have one, check here. They'll give you an ID that you need to use there. If you have the account already, you can get the info on how to get the ID here
  2. Follow this link on adding Google Analytics.
Note: when you setup Google Analytics, they also give you a piece of code that you need to paste on every page to help track it. Nevertheless, this is NOT needed if you are using blogger (that is automatic when you do #2). You should start seeing stats about a day after you set it up...

The other thing that I got to set up is how to exclude my own views... I found a link explaining this but I have not done it yet.

Monday, September 2, 2013

A friend asked me to invest on his idea

I had friends asked me for money because they simply needed it... more like a loan... but this is the first time somebody asked me to invest on their idea. We are talking here about a serious enterprise, with good professionals behind, which easily pass the simple questions covered by a full business plan, they got full law documents, 2 rounds of funding, small bank loans, potential very serious customers (with backing letters of intent), and big upside.

At the time of writing this I am not thinking to invest on the company. The following is just a list of thoughts that went through my mind and my reactions:
  • I don't understand the idea well. It is in the Internet field, where valuations are difficult to comprehend and many times myself asks "why Facebook paid $1B for Instagram..."?
  • I have never done such a thing. I would like to invest but this may be too risky to be the first and if it fails, it will kill my appetite to invest again, which would be counterproductive.
  • I am afraid that this could be the first round, but may need further investments later to keep things going...
  • This is the 2nd round of an old idea. Completely remodeled though, has little to do with the initial one... but I tried to use that one and I did not like it. Now  I still remember that feeling... although I know that this person has learn a lot for 2 years since the other idea was launched and also that they can fully reuse all that technology, which is a huge advantage.
Also, I am documenting myself on how to go about this kind of thing, when a friend or relative asks you for an investment. Searched the web and found this. Gives you some view on how other people treats these...

I also tried to become more of an expert on the idea, to try to evaluate it better. But can I really get anywhere meaningful? I think I came up with good feedback to turn it down, but certainly something could still get me if I had decided to invest. I.e., I can't become the expert in 2 days, but this is the reaction typical of an engineer, try to wrap your brain around to understand everything and get to the best possible conclusion.

Anyhow, I still hope he succeeds, but at this time, I will just pass...

PS.: And a view from the other side... what if you want to ask for people to invest on your idea? I think those are good suggestions...