Thursday, November 22, 2018

Protein in a Greek Yogurt

Just as an exercise to understand nutrition labels, I decided to check how much Greek yogurt would contribute to a protein supplement. Let's start by how much protein they recommend for increasing your muscle mass...

Checking the Naked Whey label looks like in one serving size (2 scoops, 94cc=6.4tbsp=19.1tsp, 30g) you get 25gr of protein (50% of the daily value):

Notice how adding the grams column adds up to the grams in the serving, while the % column (the one to the right, DV%) obviously does not add up to 100% as it is the % of recommended daily value that one serving has on that category. Actually according to this nice article, DV recommendation sets kind of a minimum. Not an optimum. In this case, they assume 50g DV. Nevertheless, again, according to the same article, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends that to increase muscle mass in combination with physical activity, you need to consume between 1.2 and 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, or 0.5 to 0.8 grams per pound of body weight. In my case, with 68Kg, I would have to take about 100g of protein per day (about 2x the DV).

From my experience, when I was going to the gym and taking one shake at the food stand, the lady was adding one scoop, and that was already making some effect. So, that would be only 12gr (of course, had protein also from the meals).

So, back to the Greek yogurt... The 0% Fage label shows: 

The serving according to them is 1/4th of the container. But I do not eat that much in the morning. Probably two large spoons which I measured to be about 100g. So, that would be about 10g of protein. In other words, maybe equivalent to the whey protein on the shake.

We will see if it makes any results... The main thing I noticed that over few months I gained about 2-3Kg of muscle, which I eventually lost when I stop taking it and exercising for a month. Muscle seems to be coming back without the extra protein just by exercising, so, it may not be that easy to distinguish the effect of one or the other... but anyhow, let's see.


PS1.: Watch with the products that add soy lecithin. The protein from the gym's bar had it and I was getting some weird effects. Maybe one day will put a post on that, but it looks like it is due to the weak estrogens on soy binding to your cell receptors and blocking the body good estrogens from doing their work (!).
PS2.: Greek yogurt upsets my stomach so I limit it to the days I go to the gym and I mix it with other yogurt.

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