Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Fixing the Chuango Alarm

For some reason the remote and sensors got unpaired and the alarm didn’t react to them. The RFID tags work (although I don’t think they do anything either but at least are detected).

Things that didn't work

a/ Trying to pair them by the standard method (press disarm code >> tape key >> sensor or remote) didn’t work.

b/ They say to press the tamper switch (on the back of the control box) 3 times in 3 seconds (SMS texting 21 looks like it does the same). When you do that it erases the disarm code back to factory (1234) and the RFID tags. Note: when you do that, at the end of the 3rd press you got to keep pressing the tamper switch or else will trigger the alarm. If that happens, even the disarm code will not stop it?!? Fortunately the SMS still works.

Things that worked

The above didn’t do it and still didn’t detect the remote or the sensor. I don't think it needs to be done to do the stuff on bottom (c), so, I would try first the following but if it doesn't work, try the above first (b) and then the following (c) below.

c/ Basically you need to use the switch on/off (the switch is on the other cover, where the battery and power adapter plug are). If you switch it off nothing happens (no beep). Switch it back on and then the reprogramming method above (a) works! I.e., press disarm code (1234)* >> tape key >> sensor or remote, you’ll get one beep. Second time you do this you’ll hear two because it was already paired.

Now everything is back to life.

Note: when the alarm is disarmed, you can unplug it and move it…
* If you didn't do (b) not sure what is the disarm code (1234) or whatever you got already programmed in. Maybe try the other if one doesn't work...

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