Saturday, January 11, 2020

Electricity costs in Spain vs USA

Just quick check, in Dec. 2020...

In US, for 166 KWh (funny thing is that I wasn't there for 1/2 the month and I disconnected my water heater) I paid:
  1. $23.57 (basically 14.1c/kWh)
  2. $10 of minimum usage charge (WTF, why they charge that if I already past the minimum usage?!?)
  3. $6.39 usage charge from electricity distribution company (Oncor)
  4. $3.42 monthly charge.
  5. Tax $1.38 (2.1% + 10% sales tax)
So, although they claim 14.1c/kWh, it is actually more like a fix of $13.5 + 18c/kWh. All in all 27c/kWh. (2x... no comment >.> ). 

In Spain, for 2 months (bills are for two months):
  1. 7E (basically 12.5E/kWh) for 56kWh, i.e, 13.9c/kWh
  2. 24.51E (for two months): $13.6/month
  3. +5% electricity tax
  4. +21% sales tax
Total was $46 (41.49E) for 56kWh, or 82c/kWh! Nevertheless, this comparison is not fair as my variable was very small so this cost is mostly monthly fix/installation charge. If we just look purely at the variable, in US we had 18c + 12% tax, about 20c/kWh. In Spain we had 13.9c + 26% tax = 17.5c/kWh, so, actually a bit cheaper, even with the higher taxes. But maybe I am paying too much also in US (as I have not negotiated rates for very long). So, all in all, about the same cost, I would say.

Considering that oil is much more expensive in Europe than US, it makes sense to transition to as much electric as possible in Europe.

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